Chia Pudding

Chia pudding is one of the healthiest ways to eat dessert (or have something sweet and light for breakfast). The benefits of chia seeds are many, and here are some of them (Taken from
1. Chia Seeds Are Loaded With Antioxidants
2. Almost All The Carbs in Them Are Fiber
3. Chia Seeds Are High in Quality Protein
4. Due to The High Fiber and Protein Content, Chia Seeds Should be Able to Help You Lose Weight
5. Chia Seeds Are High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
6. Chia Seeds May Improve Certain Blood Markers, Which Should Lower The Risk of Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes
7. They Are High in Many Important Bone Nutrients
8. Chia Seeds Can Cause Major Improvements in Type 2 Diabetics
For more information visit

* For one cup
4 Tbsp chia seeds
1 cup almond milk
1 tsp pure maple syrup
Mix all the ingredients and let is sit in the refrigerator for a few hours. If you want it faster, then mix, put in the fridge for 5 minutes, take out and mix, put back in the fridge for 5 minutes, take out and mix, back in the fridge. it should be ready after 3-4 mixings.
You can also add anything you want to it before you mix it.
Here are some suggestions:
*For a chocolate chia pudding add 1 tsp cocoa powder
*Add crushed berries
*Add vanilla extract
*Add spirulina powder
*Add almond butter
*Add shredded coconut
The options are endless! Just use your imagination :)
